Olis DB 620 UV/Vis [NIR] Spectrophotometer
The Olis DB 620 UV/Vis [NIR]Spectrophotometer
is small scanning dual beam absorbance spectrophotometer,
optimized for microsecond kinetics and so stable and noise-free
that it is ideal for lengthy thermal melts and equilibrium
studies, too.
modern digital optical bench provides high accuracy, high
performance true dual beam data at rates to 500 ns with
and without associated scanning. With one millisecond of
collection time, 1000 data points are fitted to a straight
line to return RMS noise at 250 nm of 0.0014 AU; with 1
second collection time, RMS noise lowers to 0.00016 AU.
Scanning between these high speed fixed wavelength readings
results in extremely low noise spectra.