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Home :: Imaging :: Image Analysis Software :: ARRAY PRO

Image Acquisition Systems
Image Analysis Software
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 Image Pro Express
 Image Pro Plus
 Array-Pro® ANALYZ
Filters For Fluorescence Imaging
Thermal Imaging


Array-Pro Analyzer is an indispensable tool for the nascent microarray and high-throughput screening research efforts fueling the genomics, proteomics, drug discovery and bioinformatics revolution.

news  Reproducibility:
Array-Pro Analyzer sets a new standard for automation of spot identification. A patented grid overlay to define the spots of interest takes advantage of the inherent periodicity of spot placement. The benefit is the ability to reproduce exactly the same results of analysis from user to user. Through computer algorithm automation, results are absolutely repeatable. This is the key to scientific advancement. One scientist must be able to duplicate the experiments of others within acceptable error.

news  Speed:
An extremely beneficial side effect is the speed of analysis. Typically a scientist might take days to manually define grid, subgrid, and spot locations for the hundreds of thousands of spots. And the results were never the same since a position change of a single pixel for spot definition can make dramatic differences in quantitation. With Array-Pro Analyzer the execution now takes place in seconds.

news  Info Extraction:
One of the biggest problems in microarray analysis as applied to gene expression has been the extraction of small signal changes in the presence of the vast sources of background noise (cross-hybridization, optical effects, dust, etc.) Scientists have found that clusters of genes that indicate phenotypes or disease states tend to be expressed at these low levels. Again, with Media Cybernetics’ experience in characterization of signal and noise, users are able to optimize signal/noise by adjustment of several control parameters and numerous choices in background methods.

news  Analysis Wizard:
An analysis wizard takes the user through grid, subgrid and spot finding parameters in order to establish the methodology for each type of array image. Once these parameters are stored as an experiment type, subsequent analyses can be performed without user intervention. This is the key to reproducibility.

news  Statistical Feedback:
Array-Pro Analyzer also offers extensive statistical user feedback to establish the quality of the data and the experiment. The old adage of computing, garbage in is garbage out, is certainly appropriate in dealing with the large amounts of data involved with microarrays. The user may accurately calibrate the signal and background based on standards, controls, and replicates.

news  Advanced Statistics:
Array-Pro Analyzer interfaces seamlessly with GeneMaths from Applied Maths, a Media Cybernetics distribution partner. Information from a series of gene expression experiments in Array-Pro is immediately available in GeneMaths for statistical treatment via cluster analysis, self-organizing maps and principal component analysis.

news  Extensible:
The Image-Pro Plus image analysis platform is a long-established standard that provides a powerful development environment for OEMs, systems integrators, and end users. Array-Pro Analyzer shares this sort of platform development to enable the creation of tailored versions for analytical high-density array imaging. Unlike most programming tool kits, the Media Cybernetics SDK offers a proven host environment that can be easily and quickly customized to solve specific imaging applications without starting from scratch, thereby reducing development risk and cost.

news  Partial List of Features:
  • Automatic rotation, grid, subgrid, spot finding in method development
  • Automatic alignment of grid, subgrid, spots with applied template
  • Grouping of spots as negative controls, ignored (bad spots), signal controls (housekeeping genes) and other user-defined criteria.
  • Binning of spots for replicate analysis
  • Hundreds of techniques to characterize and remove background noise, including global from image or reference spots (zero order, bilinear, biquadratic, bicubic polynomial fit), local perimeter or local corners (with offset, width, erosion, filter control)
  • Normalization by mean, median, reference spots
  • Intensity and spatial calibration
  • Interactive graphics and data tables to elucidate information
  • User-selectable data for each spot or group of spots: mean, median, min, max, range, sum, standard deviation, ratio (if two images are grouped, as with gene expression)
  • Experiment definition, storage and recall (with associated images and information)
  • Histogram display or all spots or any group of spots
  • Scatterplot of results of results from two images; with interactive graphic selection
  • Interactive cell window display with detailed information for each spot in image group (e.g. Cy3, C5, ratio)

news  New in Array Pro version 4.5:
  • Pixel-by-pixel cross-correlation method to segment signal, background and artifact pixels populations.
  • Normalization using Loess best-fit, signal control cells, or all cells, by image or sub-grid.
  • Statistical control of pixel segmentation and signal calculation.
  • Re-organization of the toolbar and menus to be more streamlined, easier to use, and more descriptive of the functions.
  • Complete control via menus in addition to the toolbar.
  • Improved candidate spot finding (for line determination) via morphological validation of spot shape.
  • Scores of morphological measurements. This is attractive for quantitative evaluation in production of microarrays.
  • New auto-alignment techniques for grids that make it easy and faster to make a template and execute grid finding.
  • User can display multiple scatterplots and histogram displays to look at many variables at once.
  • New data graph to show individual measurements across many image sets. Useful for viewing time series experiments or other variables across experiments.
  • Option for variable cell boundary definition for each spot.
  • Automatic population of cell groups according to user-defined criteria.
  • Equation editor to build practically any kind of custom measurement.
  • Option to store layout and measurements within an experiment.
  • Option to automatically assign image names to labels and groups.
  • Option to automatically tint images.
  • Time-based experiments are supported via rate measurements and input of time via the file or user.
  • Ability to display individual cell histograms (with statistics indicators) and adjust the threshold graphically.
  • Option to use irregular AOI to select cells on the scatterplot.
  • User assigned axis values for the scatterplot, histogram and data graphs.
  • Option to rename measurements in the table and hide or rearrange columns.
  • Dynamically linked to GeneMaths 2.0 such that updates in Array-Pro can be shown interactively in GeneMaths.

Contact us for more information.

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Last updated
Dec 17, 2007